What is the course structure?
How much does it cost?
What is the minimum age?
What will I be able to coach?
How do I enrol?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Fundamental Gymnastics Coach (FGC)?
What is a Club Coach Educator (CCE)?
What is a technical member?
How long does it take to become a Fundamental Gymnastics Coach?
How do I start the process of becoming a Fundamental Gymnastics Coach?
How do I enrol in the Fundamental Gymnastic Coaching course?
Where can I go for help?
What do I do if my club doesn't have a Club Coach Educator (CCE)?
What do I do once I have completed my Fundamental Coaching Course Activity Pack?
Do I still need to complete the Fundamental Gymnastic Coaching Workbook?
I‘ve already completed an induction at my club as part of my training, do I still need to attend a Virtual Induction?
Can I still do the Beginner Coaching Accreditation?
Does this mean Beginner Coaches can coach unsupervised now?
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